Anatomy of Judgement

[Raw / Exploration] - critique/inputs welcome*


JUDGEMENT is one of the most consequential MetaSkills that makes or breaks a leader.

How can leaders ‘master’ judgement?

‘Judgement’ is complex,
to master the complex you need to unpack it first**.

Here is an attempt:

A. GROUNDING - Why, How and What of a ‘judgement call’

1. Drivers [Reason]
What task / goal is driving this ‘judgement call’?

2. Knowledge [Information]
What information / sources do we need to make this ‘judgement call’”

3. People [Capability]
Who will we need to execute this ‘judgement call’?
What kind of resources we will need?

B. IMPACT - Consequences of this ‘judgement call’

4. People [Impact]
How will this ‘judgement call’ impact people and planet?

5. Moral Compass [Ethics]
What is right / not right about this ‘judgement call’ and its impact.

6. Courage and Timing [Activation]
How will this ‘judgement call’ look like when executed?
What will it need to become ‘real’?
What will we need to make it ‘real’?

In addition, there are three more factors that influence ‘judgement call’

I. Self - awareness, understanding and knowledge of self
II. Purpose - Judgement sits on foundation of purpose
III. Context - Judgement is subjective to the context in which it is made (personal, social, societal, organisational)

[**Unpacking is just a step. To master judgement you need to find proxy environments where you strengthen your mental muscles for each of the components. It needs practice and perseverance.]

judgement | ˈdʒʌdʒm(ə)nt | noun

[mass noun] the ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions

/ˈdʒʌdʒm(ə)nt/ verb
Weighing complex information and reaching calibrated conclusions.

*There are also other ways in which judgement can be unpacked and understood.


Spreading the 'good' word at UBS, Panjab University


School of Metaskills